Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm not updating my blog for a long time..i'll try remember what have i done in this course and share it here..

The last post i story about information design and i show our group planning for web based, for this post i'll explain how we completing our project..

this is all about our project:


WHY we develop this website?? it is because some websites are not user friendly because of the harsh design. These problems usually occur because the developers lack of basic knowledge of multimedia design. So, by designing this website, it can be a guidelines for the developers to develop a good website.

Our objective is to introduce the basic principle of multimedia design and to serve the guideline in website developing.
The menu consist in our web project is HOME , INTRODUCTION , MUST SEE, COMMENT and ABOUT US..

1. In homepage consist of the objective of this website..We also provide sitemap in homepage so that user easy to see our flow in this website. The user need to register before entering our website and log-in each time they want to access our website.

2. For introduction part, we explain a brief idea about what is principle of multimedia design all about.

3. Must see page consist of 2 problems. The first problem about a person who doesn't have an idea about how to develop a website. The second problem about redesign the website by following a principle of multimedia design.

4. In comment page we give user a space to comment about the website and also discussing about the topic. The user can send comment and also see others people comment.

5. Last but not least is about us page.In this page we provide user the developer information and how to contact them.

ok, that all i want to share with post, i'll show u the interface of our project..bye!

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